What is Desktop Touch Computer? Desktop Touch Computer (DTCC) is the new generation of touch screen or “multi-touch” input devices that includes a pointing device (usually a pen), a camera or a webcam to capture and display an image, a USB port to connect the pen or camera to the computer, and a circuit board that interacts with the computer using capacitance or electromagnetic impulses. This technology evolved from the development of “click wheel” or “fingers” on computer keyboards, which became an early standard for interactive computer use. While the earliest Desktop Touch Computers were based on the standard hardware input devices described above, more advanced versions are equipped with the latest technology.

Tablet PCs or “tablet PCs,” as this new class of PCs is more commonly called, come in many forms. A few of the most popular tablet PCs include: Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, Google Nexus S, Microsoft Surface, Palm Pre, Pear NT2, RIM BlackBerry Storm and many others. The number of tablet PCs currently available can be considered to be in the millions worldwide. As the market for Tablet PCs and other multi-touch technologies matures, software developers have produced tablet PC programs that can run on Windows Mobile, Symbian, Linux and other platforms. Tablet PC manufacturers such as Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Dell, and others have released a large range of proprietary software applications. It has been reported that there are still millions of PCs worldwide that run on Windows 95, despite widespread consumer interest in touch screen PCs.
So what about the future of the tablet PC? Will the market for multi-touch input devices ever grow to the extent that desktop touch computer sales will decline? No one can answer that question for sure. The future of tablet PC sales will likely depend on how quickly consumers discover new uses for their new two-in-one tablets. Will consumers become so accustomed to using touchscreen inputs on their daily laptops and handhelds that they begin to view the two-in-one as something completely different? Or will they remain stuck with using the old Windows dial-up network, unable to fully maximize the capabilities of today’s modern multi-touch input devices?
The trend toward two-in-one touch screens on portable devices like tablets has been accelerated by recent advances in touch response technologies. One such advance comes from Apple’s innovative multi-touch technology known as the iPad. The use of an infrared sensor to sense physical interaction made possible by the rapidity with which the device is used makes for a very convenient, natural and comfortable means of browsing the Internet or checking your email. Multi-touch technology has also found application in a wide range of other portable devices, including handheld PCs and digital camera phones.
While it is too early to tell whether tablet sales will experience a decline, it is not likely that the industry will experience a major decline until at least late next year. That is why it is important for IT professionals to understand just how important multi-touch interactions can be to their organizations. By being able to take full advantage of these new technologies through natural user interactions and the convenience provided by a larger screen size, organizations stand to enjoy a number of new benefits. If you’re already a part of the organization that has made tablet sales a priority, now is the time to start developing your business relationships around these new technologies.
When it comes to IT management and planning, one of the most important things that companies can do today is invest in effective tablet sales strategy training. It’s important to make sure that all members of an organization are aware of the latest tablet sales developments, including key vendors and their latest models. It’s also a good idea to encourage existing partners to continue promoting their line of tablet devices. A strong, unified supply chain is one of the best ways to reduce operational costs, which is especially important given the relatively high costs associated with producing and distributing tablets in australia.