An interactive kiosk is basically a computer terminal with specialized hardware and software which gives access to applications and information for entertainment, commerce, education, or communication. It can be used at retail stores, banks, restaurants, ticket booths, and public areas like subways, airports, and tourist sites. Interactive kiosks can provide access to games and interactive applications such as weather reports, maps, schedules, news, and sports scores through touchscreens, screens, and LCD displays. These types of kiosks are popular in offices, malls, and shopping centers. They are also used in many other settings such as hospitals, government buildings, schools, and even airports.
The most common uses of interactive kiosks are to provide cashless services. This is especially common at airports where passengers can use the interactive pad to pay for their baggage without having to carry bulky or expensive cash. Many hotels also have interactive pads to help travelers find their way around hotel facilities and restaurants.
Some kiosks may contain redyref displays which give information about the location, exhibits, and floor maps. In some cases, a single information kiosk may control several different redyref display panels. The information provided can be filtered and delivered to the audience in a tailored manner. Redyref displays are often used in conjunction with touch screen displays and IP Cameras to provide improved image resolution and color clarity. A modern redyref display typically has dual zones of display technology, including high contrast and low luminance.
Interactive kiosks are usually placed at points of entry such as doorways, at bus stops, on highways, subways, and in large open spaces. They are usually used to provide customer assistance such as helping a customer locate a bus stop or a restaurant. In this case, the kiosk acts as both a reminder tool for the customer and a source of valuable information. Touch screen kiosks tend to have higher response rates and offer a higher ROI because they are used more often.
Since interactive kiosks are used as a part of mass advertising campaigns, it is necessary to carefully select the appropriate technology. Kiosk hardware should be flexible enough to allow for new applications and to grow along with the company. This means that companies should consider new technologies that can be added to existing kiosks, as well as developing new hardware that can be integrated into older systems. Since the goal of most marketing campaigns is to attract new customers, companies should consider whether current technologies such as touch screens are appropriate for their target demographic. If so, then companies should make sure that existing systems are updated to accommodate new technologies.
Interactive kiosks provide a valuable service that can be used for a wide variety of purposes. This type of technology is quickly becoming a standard feature in many retail locations as well as in other venues such as airports and hotels. Kiosks are not just a novelty item that is seen in arcades, since they are making a solid return in the retail and service industries. Interactive touch screen kiosks are a very useful tool for businesses, since they can be used as a form of advertisement. The interactive touch screen kiosks on the rise may even entice a new generation of young adults to take up business ventures. Kiosks are here to stay, and companies are paying close attention to them as a way of marketing their products.